~when everything seems like it's falling apart, that's when God is putting things together just the way He wants it~ (unknown)

Friday, August 31, 2012

If You Can't.. Then Better Not..

Gambar diambil dari :

Jumat 31/8 (9:41 pm)

Aahh.. udah lama bangets gua ngga ngeblog yaa.. kayanya gua emang punya kecenderungan kalau lagi menyukai sesuatu itu cenderung all in ke sana dan menyampingkan yang lain :p

Anywayy.. berhubung belakangan ini kegiatan gua itu kebanyakan berkisar di seputar postcard maka seringkali adaa aja kejadian yang sebenernya menarik untuk dikupas dan dibahas, ahahaha..

Beberapa waktu lalu ada kejadian yang bikin gua teringat akan quote berikut ini..

"if you can't make things better, at least try not to make it worse!"

Dan kejadian itu juga bikin gua merasa bahwa memang benar.. kalau udah ada benih ketidaksukaan or 'sentimen' pribadi pada diri elo terhadap seseorang maka amat sangat mudah untuk menjadi 'bensin' yang siap menyambar dan mengobarkan percikan api dalam sekam.

Adalah jauuuuhh lebih susah untuk menahan diri dan tidak langsung terjun ke dalam 'perdebatan' memanas yang ngga jelas ujung pangkalnya.

Menebarkan kebencian itu jauh lebih mudah daripada menjalin perdamaian. Dan yang seringkali terjadi adalah kita itu tanpa sadar mungkin udah menjadikan diri kita itu sebagai "penggosok" yang "memanaskan" suasana, dan bukannya malah mengademkan, huahahahaha :p

Hari ini udah hari ke-31 di bulan ke-8 di tahun 2012, yang artinya mulai besok bulan Agustus udah 'resmi' berlalu dan mau tidak mau kita harus mengucapkan selamat datang pada September :)

Life is short.. dan waktu seringkali berlalu tanpa terasa.. sudahkah kita meninggalkan jejak2 kebaikan di jalan yang kita lalui? :D

Farewell, August.. baik ataupun buruk, dalam hitungan jam gua akan secara 'resmi' telah menjalani keseluruhan hari di bulanmu ini.. semoga September membawa lebih banyak kebaikan.

Jumat 31/8 (9:51 pm)


Friday, August 3, 2012

Quotes : Dating, Marriage & Commitment

Picture is taken from :

Fri 3/8 (4:57 pm)

Couple of days ago when I watched TV, there was this program about relationship, the topic was about dating, and what the pastor said was really interesting.

He said, "Dating is no commitment while marriage is a full-time commitment, let's keep it that way and don't do the other way around!"

Hahahaha.. sounds funny when hearing him said that but when you think over of what he said, it's soo true and I guess the world goes more chaotic like today because most of us do the opposite, fully-committed to dating and have no commitment to marriage :p

And I guess it's not just about marriage but about almost anything.. we might be committed to something insignificant while take no concern to what's important :)

*should make an evaluation on the way I live my life, ahahahaha :p*

Fri 3/8 (5:04 pm)


Thursday, August 2, 2012

Postcards : When Things Go Wrong

Picture is taken from : own collection of postcards

Thu 2/8 (5:24 am)

Since the last couple of months, around late April if I'm not mistaken, I've been active with direct swapping of postcards with the people I met via Facebook. I've joined so many postcards group but mostly I swapped with people from Postcrossing's group.

There has been ups and downs in the postcards world but there are so much fun, surprises and I get to meet many nice people around the world.

Through postcards I've learned another lesson of life :))

In our official profile page that we can update anytime we like after we registered our accounts in www.postcrossing.com, we can write our preferences of cards, the ones we like and would love to get from the random senders.

But as the Postcrossing crew has warned, that profile page of ours is only preferences, of course we cannot force anyone to send us exactly what we want to get! Sometimes the sender might not have the kind of cards we like, or perhaps those cards we want cost more than regular cards so they choose not to buy that one especially for us, or what mostly happen here in Indonesia, we couldn't find the one that the receivers like, ahahahaha :p

So after waiting for some time.. we finally get the card that the sender send, the excitement might soon turn into disappointment when the card we get isn't like the kind we like.

We might sulk, angry, mad, sad or even feel like the world is againsts us but I guess.. isn't that what life is all about?

I mean, in life things that come our way might not always the way we want them to, they might come certainly not at the right moment, or not at the exact package that we want them to be, shortly to say.. we don't get what we want even when we've plan everything so careful and take any precautious action to prevent things that go wrong, still.. there's time when the unexpected takes place and there's nothing we can do about it.


We can always control our reaction to the unexpected, right? ;) Cause our reaction is within us so we have fully control over it while what happens to us is beyond our control :p

And I always think.. if you want to get exactly what you want, just go and buy the cards yourself, ahahahahaha :)) cause even when you swap via FB where you can see your upcoming cards, there's always chance that the person you swap with might not send exactly like what you agree on when you make the swap :p

Life goes on and there are soo many other beautiful things that we can thankful for, why spoil it for a card that doesn't suit our 'taste'? ;)

Lastly to say.. keep sending cards to random or specific people with the hope that somehow someway someday.. the little thing that we do might brighten up someone's day ^o^

Thu 2/8 (5:38 am)
