~when everything seems like it's falling apart, that's when God is putting things together just the way He wants it~ (unknown)

Monday, June 7, 2010

QoD : The Emphasis

Gambar diambil dari :

Topic starter : Senin, 7 Juni 2010 (10:38 am)

Ahahaha.. kenapa yaa.. gua itu kok kalo semakin sering orang mengatakan bahwa ia ngga membutuhkan sesuatu, semakin gua ngerasa bahwa yang dimaksudkannya itu justru kebalikannya? :p

*upss.. uppss.. kok jadi teringat akan sesuatu yaa? :D*

Bagaimana ngga?

Kalo emang itu bukan sesuatu yang penting buat diri orang itu, ngapain pula terus menerus disebutkan githu lhoo..

Cuman.. mungkin dia malu githu lhoo ngomongin yang sebenarnya and sejujurnya, ahahaha :p

Atauu.. gua-nya aja yang suka mikir kebalikan dari apa yang diomongin orang? :p

Topic ended : Senin, 7 Juni 2010 (11:00 am)

the soul traveller

1 raindrops:

Anonymous said...

hey menariiiiikkkk! Gue sama temen gue baru aja berdiskusi soal ini... You know about people who keep on boasting about how happy their marriage life is and mock others as if others are not as happy as they are... Why they need to show to everyone that they are happy? Like you said, why they need to say that they do not need anything?
tanya, kenapa?

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