~when everything seems like it's falling apart, that's when God is putting things together just the way He wants it~ (unknown)

Monday, April 9, 2012

Sunday Messages : We Need Each Other

Video is taken from :

Senin 9/4 (1:05 pm)

Sebenernya pertama kali gua denger lagu ini tuh ada kali sekitar sebulan yang lalu, gua juga udah sempet mencatat sebagian lirik yang berhasil gua tulis untuk kemudian mencari versi lengkapnya via Google, tapii.. berhubung kebiasaan menunda2 itu masih mendominasi, jadilah kelupaan, hahaha..

Sampai tadi pagi kembali mendengar di lagu di channel Life and gua kembali tersentuh, huhuhu.. okayy.. saatnya mencari keseluruhan lirik ini tanpa pakai acara nunda (walau ngga sepenuhnya berhasil, hahaha, karena masih diselingi kegiatan lain sebelum melakukan pencarian :p).

Ooo.. ternyata judul lagunya itu "We Need Each Other" and yang nyanyi Signature Sound, baru tauu..

Lyric is from here

Yuk yaakk yuukk.. kita simak liriknya and ikutan nyanyii..


"We Need Each Other"
by Signature Sound

Is there anyway 
That we can lay our weapons down
And come together in the name of love
There's too much at stake 
To ignore common ground
Aren't we all made in the image of God?

Cuz if one of us is hurting
None of us have peace
And if one of us is bound
Then none of us are free

Reach out and take my hand
I need your strength to stand
We're not alone in this world
We need each other
I am a part of you, you are a part of me
No longer strangers
We're sisters and brothers
We need each other

Can we carry on living our lives so separately
Are we afraid to say we've been wrong?
So here's my chance to say
Hey, I love you anyway
And build a place where everyone belongs

Cuz if one of us is hurting
None of us have peace
And if one of us is bound
Then none of us are free

Reach out and take my hand
I need your strength to stand
We're not alone in this world
No longer strangers
We're sisters and brothers

I am a part of you, you are a part of me
No longer strangers
We're sisters and brothers

I am a part of you, you are a part of me
We're not alone in this world
We need each other
Reach out and take my hand
I need your strength to stand
We're not alone in this world
We need each other

Reach out and touch somebody's hand
Make this world a better place if you can
Reach out and touch somebody's hand
Make this world a better place if you can

I am a part of you, you are a part of me
We're not alone in this world
We need each other
Reach out and take my hand
I need your strength to stand
We're not alone in this world
We need each other
Reach out and take my hand
I need your strength to stand
We're not alone in this world
We need each other
We're not alone in this world
We need each other


Gua rasa bukan suatu kebetulan belaka ketika tadi pagi gua kembali mendengar nih lagu and pas gua browsing Facebook, gua menemukan quote berikut :

"The seeds of kindness that you plant today, will one day bloom in the hearts that you all touch." (unknown)

Kindness.. Kebaikan, mungkin banyak di antara kita yang udah melupakannya karena lebih mengejar banyak hal lainnya dalam hidup ini.

Kalo temen gua sih selalu bilang, "Yang baik itu belum tentu benar, sementara yang benar itu pasti baik."

Otree dhee, hahaha.. yang artinyaa.. kalo if you do bad things, maka artinya elo tidak melakukan sesuatu yang baik maupun benar, iyaa.. muter2 aja di situ terus, hahahaha..

Kebaikan itu mungkin seperti tetesan air di batu, kalo cuman sekali dilakukan aja, ngga ada efek yang keliatan pada batu tersebut tapii apabila dilakukan secara terus menerus, bahkan batu yang keras sekalipun pada akhirnya akan "luluh" dan berlubang juga, apalagii hati manusia yang (mustinya) ngga sekeras batu :)

Setiap perbuatan baik ngga akan sia2, walau pada awalnya mungkin ngga membawa perubahan apa2.. tetaplah melakukannya ^o^

Selamat menikmati hari Senin ;)

Senin 9/4 (1:42 pm)


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