~when everything seems like it's falling apart, that's when God is putting things together just the way He wants it~ (unknown)

Friday, June 4, 2010

CoD : God's Blessing

Picture is taken from :

Topic starter : Friday, June 4, 2010 (10:36 am)

I get it now.

It's not about where you stand right now, it's more about whether God's blessing is with you or not.

Cause when you're with Him, no matter how seemingly impossible for you to grow where you are right now, you'll still bloom!


Topic ended : Friday, June 4, 2010 (10:39 am)

the soul traveller

1 raindrops:

Miss G said...

OMG! This is sooo very true. Berkat Tuhan itu bukan didasarkan pada "situasi" dimana diri kita berada. Soalnya Paulus berada dalam situasi paling buruk kalau lewat kacamata manusia, demikian pula Yesus, tapi justru pada saat itu berkat Tuhan jelas ada pada mereka, bukan pada orang2 yg nampaknya "menang" atau "lebih beruntung" nasibnya dibandingkan dengan mereka.

Astaga... saya sedang memikirkan hal ini juga... ini bukan kebetulan kan.. hihi..

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