Topic starter : Friday, December 10, 2010 (10:56 pm)
"Fairy tales are more than true; not because they tell us that dragons exist, but because they tell us that dragons can be beaten." (G.K. Chesterton)
Dragons.. I'm always intriqued with dragons.. are they for real or are they just imaginary animals?
But don't you just love what it said above? I love fairytales cause they keep me holding on to hopes that in the end goodness will win against all the bad guys..
All through the bumpy roads, the hurts and the pains you might be facing in the middle of your journey.. you can overcome all the obstacles you might find in your way to your destinations.
Ain't it great? ;)
Topic ended : Friday, December 10, 2010 (11:11 pm)
"Fairy tales are more than true; not because they tell us that dragons exist, but because they tell us that dragons can be beaten." (G.K. Chesterton)
Dragons.. I'm always intriqued with dragons.. are they for real or are they just imaginary animals?
But don't you just love what it said above? I love fairytales cause they keep me holding on to hopes that in the end goodness will win against all the bad guys..
All through the bumpy roads, the hurts and the pains you might be facing in the middle of your journey.. you can overcome all the obstacles you might find in your way to your destinations.
Ain't it great? ;)
Topic ended : Friday, December 10, 2010 (11:11 pm)
3 raindrops:
trully i love fairytales, because they always have a happy ending^^ tapi menurutku dongeng yang palong oke adalah lord of the ring (ini termasuk fairytales gak ya). keren banget gmana frodo dan kawan-kawan tetep bertahan walau keliatannya udah gak ada harepan dan pastinya ahirnya tentu saja menyenangkan^^
halah... gue pikir elo gambar sendiri... :D
Kalau gue bilang sih pasti beneran pas jaman dulunya:)
dan kalaupun enggak...hebat ya yang ngayal...atau kasian karena dia sempat shock pas mikirin hewan khayalannya itu? :D
Little Spark.. soal LOTR, gua bersyukur bangets tuh buku di-film-in, hahaha.. karena versi bukunya itu susah dimengerti sih buat gua :D Hmm.. soal poin bertahan dan harapan itu, bener juga yaa.. and senangnya adalah happy ending! I lovee happy ending ;)
Riaa.. hahaha, ngga lah, khan gua cantumin sumber gambarnya dari mana :p Apanya nih yang beneran? Naga? Gua pikir naga bukan sekedar 'khayalan' karena ada disebut2 di Alkitab, cuman masalah udah ada pas jaman dulu atau baru ada nanti yaa itu kaga tau, hahaha.. tapi kalo mengacu apa yang dibilang Salomo bahwa there's nothing new under the sun maka mustinya naga dulu pernah ada yaa? Jadi bingung, hihihi..
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