~when everything seems like it's falling apart, that's when God is putting things together just the way He wants it~ (unknown)

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Stupid Mistakes

Gambar diambil dari :

I've done it again.. Ketika ngga bisa membedakan antara "silence is golden" ama "speak up for the better"!

Stupid mistakes.

When will you ever learn, Indah?!


(I think I really need to get back to read books again.. rasanya hidup jauh lebih simpel ketika belum mengenal internet..)

-bukan, Indaahh.. bukan salah internet-nyaa.. elo-nya aja yang sering kebablasan dalam menerapkan batas2 yang jelas sehingga ngga kebablasan!-

(bener juga sih.. tapii.. tetep aja, felt really stupid.. padahal sebelonnya udah berasa.. what was once felt right might not always be the right thing to do.. but I just pushed that feelings away.. STUPIDO! STUPIDOO!! *sigh*)

-maybe it's time to part.. when it's time.. it's time.. you can't shorten it and you can't stretch it any longer.. and it's never final goodbye just as long as we're still breathing, right?-

(I know.. but tetep aja rasanya.. ada something's missing.. and to realize that I might have taken part in it.. bikin jadi ngerasa double stupid..)

-makanya besok2 mikiiiiiiiiirrr sebelon melakukan sesuatuuu.. kadang impulsif-nya elo emang nolong buat melakukan hal2 yang ngga biasa elo lakukan.. tapi kalo impulsif dalam hal ginian, yang rugi siapa?!-

(udah tauuu.. makanya itu gua sedih.. and sebel ama diri gua sendiri! Grrr.. Indaaahh.. dirimu menyebalkan sekalee!!)

*udah aahh.. jadi pengen tidur aja dhee.. moga2 ini hanya mimpii..*

(walau rasanya begitu nyata)

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