~when everything seems like it's falling apart, that's when God is putting things together just the way He wants it~ (unknown)

Monday, October 11, 2010

Quotes : Mistakes, Regret & Future

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Topic starter : Monday, October 11, 2010 (9:24 pm)

L.M. Montgomery is the author of "Anne of Green Gables", have you read that book? If you haven't, well.. maybe you should, especially if you like a character who is dreamy, ahahaa..

Since the first time I read "Anne", I was instantly falling in love with her, cause I could find a bit of myself in her, okay okayy.. maybe not a bit, ahahaha.. but I'm still in love with Anne's dreamy soul, a soul that likes to believe in the beauty of the unseen things, although the so-called "reality" ain't that pleasant :p

Well, anywayy.. we're here to talk about quotes, right, hihihi.. I pick one from L.M. Montgomery that I think is a real nice one!

Take a look..

"We all make mistake, dear, so just put it behind you. We should regret our mistake and learn from them but never carry them forward into the future with us." (L.M. Montgomery)

Mistake.. kesalahan..

Dalam hidup ini pasti kita pernah berbuat salah khan? Ada kesalahan yang efeknya minor, ada kesalahan yang fatal bangets yang bikin kita ngerasa pengen bumi di bawah kaki kita terbelah dan menelan kita hidup2 (huehehe.. ini bahasa yang amat sangat ngga orisinil karena udah sering bangets dipake :p) supaya kita ngga perlu bertemu dengan orang lain lagi setelah kesalahan memalukan yang kita lakukan itu.

And ada kesalahan2 tertentu yang membuat kita berharap waktu dapat diputar ulang karena kita ingin membatalkan perbuatan ataupun kejadian yang membuat kita amat sangaaaat menyesal dan menahan langkah kita saat ini sehingga ngga bisa menatap masa depan dengan optimis.

We all make mistakes.. one way or another.. and we all have our own regrets, of one thing or more..

But betapapun kita menyesalinya.. waktu ngga bisa diputar ulang kembalii.. dan lagii, kita khan hanya bisa melihat the "now" and the "past", siapa tau that kind of "mistakes" that we made emang diperlukan untuk masa "depan" yang akan kita jelang..

Ahahaha.. tentu ajaa.. it's much easier to say this than to agree on this one, wakakakakak :p

Makasih lhoo, L.M. atau kata2 'peringatan'-nya, karena seringkali masiiih aja suka ngebawa2 mistakes from the past to the future, huehehehe..

Oh, btw, in case gua lupa untuk memberitahu dirimuu.. I'm soo in lovee with Anne, kok bisa aja seeh nyiptain tokoh seperti ituu?!

Huahahaha.. gua baru nyadar awalnya postingan ini dimaksudkan untuk mosting in English, kenapa akhirnya malah ngoceh in Indo? :p Sutralaahh..

Topic ended : Senin, 11 Oktober 2010 (10:18 pm)

a wonderer soul

1 raindrops:

Anonymous said...

yeah, I am one of those people who still clingy to the past....and unable to move forward

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