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Topic starter : Selasa, 16 Februari 2010 (10:35 am)
Have I told you I loved stories by Enid Blyton?
Rasanya udah pernah, berulang kali malah, ahahaha.. tapii.. gua ngga akan bosan2nya bilang karena dia itu pengarang favorit gua, hihihi..
I just lovee how the stories go..
And at times, Enid sering "menyelipkan" kata2 yang bikin jadi merenung, huhuhu..
Seperti quote berikut ini yang diambil dari bukunya yang berjudul "Those Dreadful Children" yang udah pernah diterjemahkan menjadi "Anak-Anak Liar" oleh Gramedia.
(page 190)
"You can't bargain with God," said Mr. Carlton. "And no one should try. What you can do, Pat, is to do all you say you will, help your family all you can, and be kind and unselfish, whatever may happen to your mother. That isn't a bargain then, you see. It's saying you're really sorry and that you are going to show it. It's a promise, not a bargain. You would keep that promise even if your mother didn't come back again."
Kalimat di atas bikin gua tercenung.
Disadari apa ngga, mungkin kita seringkali mengadakan tawar menawar ama Tuhan.
"Tuhan, saya akan begini.. asal.."
Padahal dipikir2.. please dhe aahh!!
Ngelunjak bener dhe aww malah ngasih syarat ama Tuhan, padahal kita yang butuh githu lhoo!! :p
Enid, makasih yaa atas "peringatan"-nya.
Topic ended : 16 Februari 2010 (11:00 am)
the soul traveller
Have I told you I loved stories by Enid Blyton?
Rasanya udah pernah, berulang kali malah, ahahaha.. tapii.. gua ngga akan bosan2nya bilang karena dia itu pengarang favorit gua, hihihi..
I just lovee how the stories go..
And at times, Enid sering "menyelipkan" kata2 yang bikin jadi merenung, huhuhu..
Seperti quote berikut ini yang diambil dari bukunya yang berjudul "Those Dreadful Children" yang udah pernah diterjemahkan menjadi "Anak-Anak Liar" oleh Gramedia.
(page 190)
"You can't bargain with God," said Mr. Carlton. "And no one should try. What you can do, Pat, is to do all you say you will, help your family all you can, and be kind and unselfish, whatever may happen to your mother. That isn't a bargain then, you see. It's saying you're really sorry and that you are going to show it. It's a promise, not a bargain. You would keep that promise even if your mother didn't come back again."
Kalimat di atas bikin gua tercenung.
Disadari apa ngga, mungkin kita seringkali mengadakan tawar menawar ama Tuhan.
"Tuhan, saya akan begini.. asal.."
Padahal dipikir2.. please dhe aahh!!
Ngelunjak bener dhe aww malah ngasih syarat ama Tuhan, padahal kita yang butuh githu lhoo!! :p
Enid, makasih yaa atas "peringatan"-nya.
Topic ended : 16 Februari 2010 (11:00 am)
the soul traveller
1 raindrops:
"You can't bargain with God," said Mr. Carlton. "And no one should try. What you can do, Pat, is to do all you say you will, help your family all you can, and be kind and unselfish, whatever may happen to your mother. That isn't a bargain then, you see. It's saying you're really sorry and that you are going to show it. It's a promise, not a bargain. You would keep that promise even if your mother didn't come back again."
bagus banget neh kata2..
aku jadi melongo ^^
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