~when everything seems like it's falling apart, that's when God is putting things together just the way He wants it~ (unknown)

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

The Helping Hand

Picture is taken from :

Topic starter : Wednesday, February 17, 2010 (9:37 pm)

Oohh myy.. I can see it somehow that some people actually "enjoy" being in "misery" as much as it's somewhat hard to believe, hahahaha :p

Most of the time I guess that the reason why our lifes are that "miserable" is because we don't want to do things we need (and have) to do to change the situation!

Not because we cannot, but simply because we (consciously or not) don't want.

Sure, changing the way you feel about something isn't as easy as flipping coins in the air.

And I agree with that.. sometimes we can't control our feelings or emotions but.. if you've been in the same state of emotions for wayy too long, don't you think you have to do something about it?

Don't be too comfortable in being miserable cause you might've forgotten that life ain't always about misery for life also offers joy and happiness ;)

But first.. you must help yourself!

Yupp.. be the helping hand for yourself to drag you out of darkness to feel the sunshine again!

Spiritss oohh spiritss.. do come back!

Cai yoo, Indaahh!!

There's time to just enjoy the feelings but there are also times to fight them!!

Problem is as always.. how to know the difference?!

Ahahaha :p

Btw, this is a note to myself, hihihi ^o^

Soo.. I ain't talking about any of you in particular but if you feel like I'm talking about you, then you might be as trapped as I am, wakakakakak :p

Let's find a way out from this so-called situation, otree!! ;)

Yihaa.. there's always sunshine after the rain!

Sometimes all we have to do is just to wait for the rain to stop :p

Topic ended : February 17, 2010 (9:57 pm)

the soul traveller

4 raindrops:

Ge Siahaya said...

Indah, it's true, wahahaha... mmg benar ada penderitaan yang dinikmati, bukan hanya dinikmati tapi juga dibikin2 sendiri karena hal itu berasa nyaman. Mungkin memang menyakiti diri sendiri itu enak kali ya? Hihi... soalnya sometimes misery itu justru menarik orang lain untuk bersimpati, dan ada banyak cara orang untuk menarik perhatian kan? Salah satunya ya lewat "misery" itu sendiri.

Konsisten dalam misery, walah bahaya. Karena itu berbahagialah orang2 yang kadang seneng terlalu seneng dan kadang sebel terlalu sebel, huahaha... *ga bagus juga sih* tapi yang bagusnya adalah kayak bola bekel itu loh, bouncy, gampang aja tiba2 gembira lagi, ga terlalu lama tenggelam dalam suatu keadaan tertentu, klo sudah gitu maka, hidup inkonsisten! Wakakaka..

Gimana? Sudah ga bosen lagi kan?

-Indah- said...

G.. ahahaha.. kadang2 pas lagi sedih pas ada yang menghibur, gua musti sering2 mengingatkan diri gua untuk ngga ngerasa terlalu "nyaman" karena dapat perhatian dari orang lain, oohh mann.. so many times that temptation itu kuat bangetss..

Tapii gua pikir2 lagee.. kasian amat kalo gua baru dapat perhatian pas "menderita", ahahaha :D

Jadii.. gua lebih milih happy aja dhee, and gua yang memperhatikan diri gua, wakakakakak :p


And yupp.. jadi mood swinger itu kadang menyenangkan, hihi.. gua kalo udah kelamaan sedih githu suka bosen ngerasa sedih mulu terus mood-nya bounce back, ahahaa ^o^

Iyaa.. bosennya udah lumayan berkurang banyak, hihihi :D

g. siahaya said...

Hihihi, saya pernah baca di buku apa gitu, udah lupa. Bhw ternyata kebanyakan orang ga memihak kepada mrk yg menang dan berhasil, tapi lebih kepada yang "dikalahkan" gitu.. jadi bnyk org yg memilih untuk ambil posisi sebagai yg teraniaya, atau punya masalah, atau terbelit kesulitan, qiqiqiq... Gitu.

Tapi emang bener siy.. wahahaha.. sebenernya kasian banget kalau mendapat perhatian krn menderita melulu.. huhuhu... enggak deh. Mendingan happy dan bisa memberikan perhatian ya? Ya kan?

Indah said...

Soalnya berperan sebagai "korban" itu jauuhh lebih gampang sih, G, and ya ituu.. lebih bisa menarik simpati, huahahaha :D

Ati2 dhe jangan sampe "terlena" walau "dianiaya", nasib amaatt.. menderita muluu, hihihi :p

Yupp.. mending jadi pihak yang happyy ajaa ^o^

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